Writing Break: Gorono’s Theme Music

I’m beginning writing a near-impossible scene.

Our hero, A-Wing pilot Gorono Haltana, is engaged with 40 (as in Forty) TIE fighters in an effort to allow a fellow pilot to escape.

Sometimes, John Williams just doesn’t cut it. Someday, I would love to be able to animate the scene, and the theme music?

I would have to say it should be…. THIS:

As an interesting aside- I actually began composing a theme to Avenger Alliance way back in 1997 using Cakewalk Pro. If I ever find that beautifully cheesy MIDI soundtrack again, I may just have to take a stab at an update. For now… this will do just fine 🙂

Meet… Gorono Haltana

This being May 4th, it seems appropriate to introduce our first character- the Hero of our story:  Gorono Haltana!

Gorono Haltana is best known as the pilot responsible for the primary testing and development of what would become the Dodonna/Blissex RZ-1 “A Wing” Starfigher.  He was instrumental to the success of the Alliance to Restore the Republic at the Battle of Yavin among others.

A hard-edged leader and instructor, most would not assume the tall and muscular Gorono to be a pilot at all.  Not easily insulted, but having a face and look that has obviously seen enough brawls to cause most not to attempt angering him.

Gorono is driven primarily by the death of his sister at the hands of the Empire around 10 BBY (Before Battle of Yavin).  Then there are the dreams.  Gorono has the unfortunate sensitivity to see elements of the future and feels pain every time one of his pilots is killed in action…  Some call it a sensitivity to The Force.  But with no training, this sensitivity is a burden that few know he carries.

Gorono is an exceptionally skilled pilot and squadron leader, known for fiercely defending his team and avenging any wrongs done to them.

The destruction of Haltana’s home planet of Alderaan had a way of focusing him on doing everything possible to rid the galaxy of the Empire, leading not only combat and reconnaissance efforts but working closely with several of General Dodonna’s intelligence officers within the Alliance. Gorono is driven to avenge his remaining family and fiancé who were on the planet when it was destroyed.

Walex Blissex was escorted to Yavin by a very heroic effort by Haltana, which led him to be involved in the development of the A-Wing, an interceptor built to outrun the Empire’s fastest ships to serve a dual role as recon and hit-and-fade assaults… A very fitting pairing to Gorono’s personality and style of flying.

Haltana is known to select pilots for his wing that have an unusually high motivation for revenge against the Empire at any cost and any risk.  While not a rogue group per se, Avenger Wing is often chosen for missions which feature the wing being ‘hopelessly’ outnumbered or against odds that most commanders would refuse.  Haltana’s group is respected… But avoided socially.  Haltana requires his team to spend two to three times as much time in simulators as other pilots, and is responsible for some of the most challenging advanced flight programs in use by the Alliance.

Above all, Gorono is driven by a sense of honor and purpose, and easily pushes aside distractions… But has trouble getting close to others or… Due to recent events, trusting anyone other than himself.

Thru his early years of escorting… Freighter pilots (a polite way of saying pirates and smugglers), Gorono has several connections in that world…  Including Han Solo, who is rumored to have been convinced by Haltana to return to Yavin and assist in the destruction of the Empire’s first Death Star.

Gorono would absolutely, without question… Shoot first.